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At an Iraqi Ministerial Conference, it was agreed that Iraq will fully support the implementation of all aspects of the 'Iraq-China Framework Agreement' by December 2021

The scope of this agreement is similar to the 'Comprehensive Cooperation Agreement', signed in 2019. A key part of both agreements is to grant China the right of first refusal on all proposed oil, gas and petrochemical projects in Iraq for the duration of the agreement and at least 30% of concession rights for all energy sources.Beijing will be in charge of the development and construction of factories and supporting infrastructure throughout the country. These include railways and other logistical and transport links operated by staff of Chinese companies based in Iraq, which are critical to the development of the Silk Road and Belt and Road.

Consistent with Russia and China's aims to keep the West out of Iraq's energy deals is the goal of bringing Baghdad closer to new Iranian-Saudi interests. That is why China will support development to complete Iraq's rail infrastructure and electrify the 900-kilometre rail network linking Tehran and the Iraqi city of Mashhad.

Plans also include the construction of a high-speed line between Tehran, Qom and Isfahan and the extension of this route northwest through Tabriz, linking many major oil, gas and petrochemical complexes, with the Tabriz-Ankara pipeline starting point being the new beginning of the 2,300 kilometres long, connecting Urumqi (the capital of Xinjiang) with Tehran and reaching Europe via Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey.


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