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Baghdad (IraqiNewsBulletin)

Iraq’s National Defense Directorate signed a Joint-Venture Agreement with Karabeyoglu Enterprises for the local production of pistols and riffles on June 24, 2022 according to the Iraqi News Bulletin (INB).

The Spokesman Jassim Abbas Hussein told to INB that the initial assembly line had been established earlier this year and the first batch of pistols had been tested. Hussein explained that this industry has security and economic benefits as it will reduce the high demand on imported guns and will save the hard currency. He explained that the project of the pistols and riffles manufacturing has been implemented under a partnership agreement with Karabeyoglu Enterprises which was a long-term supplier of arms, ammunition, vehicles and communications equipment to Iraqi Security Forces, the firing experiments took place inside their workshops, the first batch will include more than 25 thousand pistols will be completed during the next 10 months” Hussein explained to INB. Hussein also elaborated that this project will meet the needs of Iraqi security forces, and other types of guns will be added to the production process.

Dr. Meltem Karabeyoglu commented on behalf of her company that it is an honour to contribute to national security and industry of Iraq through technology and know-how transfer of European sources and creating employment.

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