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The contract includes consultancy, supply of vehicles, construction equipment, storage and cyber security services and has a duration of 3 years for the total length of 712 kms and will be completed in 2027.

The Via Carpatia Highway Project is a project that intersects with the Middle Corridor and Development Road and will directly strengthen these corridors. The project will extend to Istanbul via Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, starting from Lithuania's Klaipeda Port.

"Three Seas Initiative" initiated by the countries bordering the Baltic, Adriatic and the Black Sea with the aim of eliminating the infrastructure deficiencies in the fields of energy, transportation and digitalization in Central and Eastern Europe. The Three Seas Initiative; energy, transportation and telecommunicationsIn order to better integrate the countries on the North-South axis by connecting the infrastructure in their sectors EU was founded by Member States. Its total length accounts for 712 km of the main route. As of today, 259.6 km of the project has been completed. 280.8 km is under construction, 171.6 km is in the tender and preparation phase.

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